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Re: Ian's Jaguar

Subject: Re: Ian's Jaguar
From: Brent Kasl <>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 16:09:20 -0500
I cannot figure Ian out. My son and I visited him last year in September in
route to the F1 race at Indy. Ian greets us along with Scott Christie. Tim and
I are not knowing what to expect, but we are taken down to a secret hideaway
below a furniture shop and are inundated with British cars. It was the perfect
car buff playground. Now this Jag site shows up and we find out he owns still
more British cars. I think he is leading a secret lifestyle, or maybe he is
heir to a British throne, but whatever it is, he has his hobby priorities in
the right place. Well done, Ian! Brent wrote:

> Check out this site.  I think Ian has been holding out precious details on
> his true car interests!
> Does your wife know?  Is she really your wife?  Or, perhaps you have
> multiple wives too.
> Jay

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