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Re: apology in order

To: "T.J. Higgins" <>
Subject: Re: apology in order
From: Victor Hughes <>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 08:57:14 +1000
"T.J. Higgins" wrote:

> I haven't noticed any problem posts on the list from Sabirfocla.

You wouldn't TJ, they don't get posted on the list, just sent direct to whoever
has offended him.  I got one last year for announcing that my 8+ year resto was
almost complete.  I used the delete key.

Vic Hughes

> In any case, we all need to keep it civil on the list, and on topic as
> much as possible.  Posts like Chris Avery's are WAY out of line.
> Flames on the list will not be tolerated.  Wouldn't it be ironic if
> Chris had to be booted off the list but not Sabirfocla.
> The good news of the day is that I drove my Jensen for the first time
> this year.
> --
> T.J. Higgins
> Huntsville, AL

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