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speaking of hoof and mouth

To: <>
Subject: speaking of hoof and mouth
From: "Chris Avery" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 23:05:12 -0400
if you ever want to get an infection...... just stick your dirty foot in your
I recently bought parts from Kurt. the dash pad fit like a glove. the inner
and outer door gaskets fit like a glove. for reproduction stuff, the quality
was far superior to any aftermarket "GM" or SUBARU crap that I have ever
bought. I bought a repro gasket set from Tim Morin. also a quality set. bought
a tranny from Jeff Howarth out of the U.K.
Jeff is still shipping me extra stuff that i did NOT pay for. I owe Tim
another three bucks for FedEx shipping. Kurt breaks his leg in four places,
has a cast clear up to his ass, and I get my stuff in three days. his wife is
helping him out and he is a little slow getting to the phone. BUT HE TAKES
FOOD STAMPS! My dad sold vacuum cleaners for 15 years. worked his ass off. got
screwed regularly. but he provided an honest service that people wanted. so
when I talked to Kurt I pictured his leg in a eighty pound full length cast,
ankle throbbing all day long, trying to focus through the pain and discomfort
and it reminded me of my dad. never set eyes on the guy. got my stuff in three
days. good stuff. my brother has a 56 desoto fireflite. he wishes he could get
desoto parts like I get alpine parts. "don't crap in your own plate" and "
don't wipe with the same hand you eat out of" I hear that Napa is putting in a
drive through for alpine parts ONLY! SCREW NAPA! I'M STICKING WITH KURT, TIM
AND JEFF!!!!!!!
I would go into what it takes to get a part reproduced but you either
understand or you don't. haul out a set of sheet metal cutters, run down to
the dump and scavenge a hot water heater. pull the sheetmetal off the heater,
measure, cut(the sheetmetal and yourself) grab some tar and pop
rivets.............blah blah blah. No thanks. I'm sticking with Kurt! man
there are some real vinegar drinkers on this site! I normally don't get into
the squabbles. but I think someone crapped on a friend of mine and it's not
going over too well.

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