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On Bathtubs and S2000's

Subject: On Bathtubs and S2000's
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 08:18:32 -0800
Helsinki Larry writes
>You MUST have heard this:
>What is in common with a bathtub and a japanese car?
>Well, both are items, from which you can't
>stay out in a public place without geting ashamed.

Yes, but have you driven the Honda S2000 or the Toyota MR2 Spyder?  Both
are great, exciting and lots of fun.  I have to admit that my test drives
of the Honda had me coming very very close to selling off the Sunbeam and
the Porsche 911 and getting one.  My grin was ear to ear for every second I
was in that car.  And don't let anyone tell you the car is no fun below
6,000 rpm.  It's just that above 6,000 rpm it's absolutely wild, making
below 6,000 rpm seem tame, but it's not.  The MR2 doesn't have the power of
the Honda, but it's like a go cart that loves to move, a very worthy
successor to the Alpine (if one were inclined to move on from the Alpine).


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