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Re: non-alpine: New Dining Room Furniture

To: "T.J. Higgins" <>,
Subject: Re: non-alpine: New Dining Room Furniture
From: (Scott E. Christie)
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 16:21:50 -0500
I've seen couches made from the fronts (or backs) of '57 Chevys and '59
Cadillacs - even the lights work, but for around $10,000 each you could buy
a few Alpines instead.
Scott Christie
----- Original Message -----
From: "T.J. Higgins" <>
To: "Alpines" <>
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: non-alpine: New Dining Room Furniture

> writes:
> > Do you think my wife might let me do this with my Alpine?
> >
> >
> Now that's my kind of furniture!
> I seem to recall some years ago a guy who was making couches out of
> MGB trunks/boots.  A search of did not turn up any
> references though.  Kind of a neat idea, although it's sad to think
> of cars being cut up to make couches.  My memory is hazy, maybe the
> couches were just shaped like MGB boots, and real boots & rear
> fenders were not actually used.
> Seeing the green race car reminded me that a fellow LBC owner and
> former co-worker has started a local company which has acquired the
> U.S. rights to make & market the Locost line of kit cars.  The
> company web site is
> I've never been that keen on Lotus Sevens and the various kits, but
> in June I'll be riding in a Westfield Seven from near Manchester, UK
> over to Le Mans, France for the 24 hour race, and then back to the
> UK.  My friend Dave just finished his car.  See a picture at
> It's got a Ford 2000cc engine with a Cosworth DOHC head and a
> turbocharger.  Over 200hp in a 1200lb car.  Yowzah!  I just might
> have Seven Fever when I get home.  So it's certainly a mixed blessing
> that the Locost plant is about one mile from where I sit typing
> this...
> --
> T.J. Higgins
> Huntsville, AL

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