The good news is that my alternator is working just fine and looks like it
was working fine since I got the new voltage regulator. No heat issue.
Yes, the original VR went and did have to be replaced. And my battery did
die in the meantime. But, the voltage problem was sort of user error. I
had hooked up the Smiths voltmeter gauge I have to an extra post on one of
the switches. It dawned on me that back in the late 70's when I ran this
car with the gauge I had a similar appearance of not enough volts when I
hooked it to power going to the heater whenever I turned on the heater.
So, today I hooked it straight to the battery - good healthy almost 14
The bad news is that my swinging tach, which I presumed was from the low
volts, appears to be unrelated and not working right. Any thoughts? Can
these be fixed? I would have attributed it to the electronic Lumenition
points I have, but it always used to work fine.