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re:Should I or shouldn't I?

To: <>, <>
Subject: re:Should I or shouldn't I?
From: "Jonathan Audette" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 09:32:20 -0500
Thanks, Gary.  Your car sounds like it had more to do on it than (even) mine
does!  Then again, maybe I just haven't correctly evaluated the condition of
my car.  I did cut off one outer rocker to see how bad things looked.  The
rot had eaten up the front of the middle layer, but the innermost layer
seems not so bad...

If I decide to proceed on this project, I'd like to find out more from you
on the order in which you tackled the job.  Like everything else we do,
getting started is the hard part.  Kinda like standing on the edge,
wondering how you're going to get into a cold swimming pool!

Best regards,
Jonathan Audette

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