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Alpines and other children

Subject: Alpines and other children
From: "Marc Stenchever" <>
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 22:22:41 -0800
The issue of kids in the back of Alpines seems to come up from time 
to time. One of the reasons I bought an Alpine is that the rear deck 
does accomodate my almost 4 year old daughter's booster seat. I put 
seat belts in on the passenger side deck, over the battery, and bolt 
her in. It fits great if the front passenger seat is pulled all the 
way forward, which still leaves plenty of room for my 9 year old 
daughter in the front. 
The child in the back sits with head above the rear lid, the part 
that hinges forward as its a Ser.IV, but well below the windshild 
level. The only down side is when the hardtop is in place, as now, 
her head is not too far in front of the rear window. I keep a little 
pad to put behind her head so if there should be a rear end 
collision, at least her head stays out of the glass.
I wouldn't want to go cross country this way, but for around town it 
seems to work.

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