Christopher Albers wrote:
> snip
> Now, I must throw in my own, somewhat biased, opinion at this time. I
> was amazed to see Smitty carrying around the "Best of Marque" ballot
> box telling everybody which car to vote for.
But it
> leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I am sorry, I just had to vent my
> spleen. Let me apologize in advance if I offend anyone.
Sorry to hear that happened.
My suggestion is to shrug it off as one of those parts about life that
is just not fair. Sure sounds like it was wrong, but sometimes things
happen. Smitty is a character, a free spirit, who knows why he does the
things that he does? And besides, the weekend offered you a good
opportunity to drive your Alpine down to San Diego, sounds like the
event was otherwise a great event. (listening to "Living Loving Maid"
on the way back?)
Anyway, feel free to vent, I am sure no one was offended.