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Re: Listserver and SPAM

To: Jarrid Gross <>,
Subject: Re: Listserver and SPAM
From: Marc James Small <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 18:01:22 -0400
At 02:26 PM 9/19/2000 -0700, Jarrid Gross wrote:
>Every day I get 40 to 60 spam emails.
>That and 10 to 20 legitimate emails.

Hmm.  I receive around 350 to 500 e-mails a day, and about one SPAM message
every three or four days.  And I have quite an active e-mail presence.  But
I just delete and ignore.

Jarrid, someone out there REALLY likes you!

Marc  FAX:  +540/343-7315
Cha robh bas fir gun ghras fir!

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