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Re: Not starting

To: lauri lehtinen <>
Subject: Re: Not starting
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 09:47:06 -0400

Pull all of the spark plugs out and see if it cranks faster.  Also check the 
oil- maybe it is too full or too thick (try thinner oil).  Check all heavy 
electrical connections and make sure that the engine is grounded (strap back by 
the transmission grounds or earths the engine block).  Run a jumper cable from 
the battery ground to the block to check this.  

Then, replace the starter if the above fails to help.  


lauri lehtinen <> wrote:
> Have anyone any ideas why my Mk4 lost its lust for starting?It turns engine 
>sloooowly, and after 10 seconds battery seems to be empty.
Well, I got a new one, and charged it for 12 hours, but there was no
effect. I also short cut with heavy cold start cables from the battery to
the solenoid and from the engine to body to find out if there was extra
resistance in cabels, but no help.

The starter motor is quite new, about 2 years. Well, my engine has a bad
habit to start slowly (10 - 20 seconds) when cold. I have not pulled the
starter out, if there might be some funny little fault I have not thought
about. Any ideas?


Łauri Lehtinen
Lehtipuu Oy
Kirkonkylantie 83
00780 Helsinki
tel: +358 400 851988

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