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RE: Arrow Aluminum Oil Pan

Subject: RE: Arrow Aluminum Oil Pan
From: Jarrid Gross <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 12:08:43 -0700

I gathered from the tapped holes in the pan that there was a plate
to secure the oil but what puzzles me is a detail in the casting at
the dead bottom of the sump that looks like it could be the stationary
pivot for some form of a baffle.

Another question.

Do engines equipped with this pan, use the same pump and sump filter/pickup?

Jarrid Gross

>I used one of these oil pans on my Series 3 Gt.  I bead blasted it and
"clear" powder coated it inside and out before instalation.  It's too late
to get >you pictures of it as I have already clamped it down.  
>There is a "Baffle" in the pan that sets on the ledge you see inside.  I
think it had 4-5 screws in it.  It covered about 1/2 the pan and I think it
had a >small cut away for the oil sump.  (but not sure)
>I think it looked like this:

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