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Re: Correct Speedo?

Subject: Re: Correct Speedo?
From: Ron Tebo <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 06:28:50 -0600 wrote:

> I have a Speedo that is not working properly in a Series 5.
> I am starting to wonder if this unit was from an Alpine or not.  The Face
> read:
> SN6117/11                1000
> Anybody have a clue?
> Paul
> Colorado


The speedo above is from a Series I or II Alpine with std.  and/or
overdrive. (It is listed for both, but was superseded by later models).

Yes, the speedos were different for overdrive and automatic because the
drive pinion was different.

The Series V overdrive speedometer should be SN5324/52 or 53.

Ron Tebo

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