In this day and age 4X4 means four tires and four brain cells!
The closest most of these vehicles will ever get to being off-road is the
drive-through window at Burger King!
Just ask the Stoltz's. The couple who, with their infant child drove a mini
pickup from the San Francisco Bay area toward Idaho by taking all the back
roads because I-80 was closed due to the weather, didn't tell anyone of
their plans or intended route, then complained about Washoe County Search
and Rescue not finding them fast enough when they buried it in a snow bank
in a blizzard, then tried to walk out!!! A REAL display of "horsepower to
brain ratio"!!
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 9:30 AM
Subject: Rocky Mountain High
> Sort of LBC related:
> I used to love going to the Rockies.