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Re: Gel coat

To: <>
Subject: Re: Gel coat
From: "Steve Griffing" <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 18:11:55 -0400
Time to clear the air a little.
Some gelcoats are tinted, like the black or white after market pieces.
Some have a clear gelcoat, then paint(Which is why some metaflakes look
weird) then the resin/mat layers.  BTW, all gelcoat is is resin with a
"Thicksotropic" added(Like cornstarch)..
Painting the backside of the gelcoat was common practice in the KitCar
industry in the 60's and 70's.
There is a good book on fiberglass called "Composite materials" available
through Summit, Borders etc. Lot's of great info but not too technical.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: Gel coat

> Thanks for the compliment about my car.  I look forward to seeing it on
> your site in a few days.
> As to the fiberglass, despite you trying to win me over with complimenting
> my car, I have to disagree as far as the kit car I built with my dad in
> late 70's.  It was done as I've described - clear gel coat, paint,
> fiberglass.  I cut many a hole through that body to put in gauges, etc.,
> see it.  That's my only real point of reference.  So, if the Corvettes and
> Lotus' were done differently, then I believe it.
> Jay
> "jumpin'jan" <> on 05/30/2000 05:23:42 PM
> To:
> cc:,
> Subject:  Re: Gel coat
> Jay,
>      That's almost correct, my good buddy. The gel-coat is the first resin
> applied in the mold, then more resin and glass fibers over the gel-coat.
> The hardened part is pulled from the mold and the part's top surface is
> the gel-coat. If one decides to paint the part (like the Corvette and
> Lotus body shells) the paint is applied on the gel-coat surface of the
> part. If the manufacture decides not to paint the part (example of a
> boat hull), then it isn't.
> P.S. I saw pictures of your Alpine the other day. Nice job!
> Jan
> --
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