> Hi Steve,
> I am pleased about your web site project. However, I feel a little
> anxious about what happens now. Does this list close? I really enjoy
> and depend upon all the folks that contribute to this list. �Cliff Morgan,
> Ph.D.
Cliff, and Listers,
Thanks, Cliff for your kind comments, but do not be concerned about any
conflicts here.
The �Lists� are the best thing that have ever happened to our Sunbeam
community, and the TigersUnited web site owes its very existence to the
wonderful volunteers who met through the list.
There is absolutely no way anything can replace the closeness of one-on-one
near real time communication. The site has made use of the archived list
commentary, in it's Tech Hints, and will continue to organize and document
those subjects that fit the site objectives, but it is an archive of such
interchange, not a substitute.
Steve Laifman