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Re: Have Money To Spend...Send Tiger Please

To: SJC <>, Tiger Mailing List <>,
Subject: Re: Have Money To Spend...Send Tiger Please
From: SJC <>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 05:05:55 -0700

> Hello Again Funbeamers:
> Just a note again that I'm still out Tiger hunting.  I'm lucky enough to
> be able to buy the right one, and thanks to you who have sent info on
> cars out there. I'm in Southern California and I'll probably lean toward
> buying one here on the west coast if I can, because of the geography.
> I've looked at a couple already, one that could be a "steal" but needs a
> lot of work, and another that doesn't need much that I'm very interested
> in.....but, I'm still looking so if anyone out there's selling,
> especially in California or Nevada, please let me know.
> Of course, when I buy the Tiger, my '67 Series V overdrive Alpine will
> be for sale for around $5,000 (o.b.o.). Details on that happily supplied
> to any interested parties. I'll be driving the Alpine to the CAT Julian
> event on Saturday and to Smitty's annual Sunbeam get together in San
> Diego on Sunday from 1-4 PM so if anyone's in the market for an Alpine,
> look me up there too.
> Steve Sage

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