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re: tiger tom's party?

Subject: re: tiger tom's party?
Date: 18 May 2000 11:26:02 -0500
Yes, Tom's bash is this weekend. Here's the info:

Tigers East Alpines East Twenty Fifth Anniversary Central Pennsylvania B.A.S.H.
Bring A Sunbeam Here……. Where? Tiger Tom's, Annville PA (Near Hershey) 
19, 20, 21 May, 2000 
Registration or Info: Scott Woerth 610-593-2201, FAX: 
Never before has any Sunbeam enclave had the potential for this enriching an 
experience for 
all creeds of Sunbeams and family members. 
The BASH is filled with celebration, family and car related activities. This is 
a fast paced 
weekend for the entire family, newer owners and old tymers alike. You will fit 
in even if you 
can not bring a Sunbeam. Alpines, Avengers, Commers, Hillmans, Humbers, 
Talbots, and even Tigers are expected. The BASH is an educational experience 
for owners 
with or without cars to learn more about how to maintain, get parts and 
actually enjoy the 
merits of owning/driving a Sunbeam. And the best part is that this educational 
process is 
integrated into a weekend of social family activities the likes of which no one 
has ever 
experienced at any SUNBEAM meet any where, any time. This will be a reunion for 
the old 
tymers and coming out for the newer owners. Previous BASHes have attracted over 
200 in 
the past. 
This is a summary of what you'll do when you register and attend the BASH. 
Helicopter rides, A grand prize drawing for a hot air balloon ride for a couple 
or family , 
Traditional dig-our-own-pit Pig Roast, Saturday evening meal, Two DRIVE-IN 
shows with sound through your car's AM (Sunbeam?) radio at Tiger Tom's with 
snacks and Fireworks, Popular vote car show with trophies, lots of youth and 
activities, Kids' trading post, Rootes Seller parts swap, Hot Air Balloon 
chase, Gymkhana, 
Sunbeam Auction, World's largest model car Sunbeam display, Live tech sessions, 
Local tour, Sunday brunch, Hot air balloon for hire, and VERY GOOD TIMES plus 

NOTE: Helicopter and Hot Air balloon rides dependent on weather conditions and 
Make sure you are in shape for this experience, the doctor approves and the 
Sunbeam can 
make it to the BASH. All you have to do is get here. You see, the BASH is also 
a FIX-IN. 
Where else will you meet so many experts with the facilities, spares and desire 
to help. 
Registration is $40 for adults, $35 before May 1st, and 20 for children 7 to 
16. We also 
have lodging arrangements prepared for you. 
Call Scott Woerth @ 610-593-2201 or E-mail or FAX 717-832-1116 for 
registration, lodging or other information

> ** Original Subject: tiger tom's party?
> ** Original Sender:
> ** Original Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 21:57:44 -0500

> ** Original Message follows... 

> I am leaving friday am for Import Carlisle.  I remember some time ago seeing 
> something about something going on at Tiger Toms this same weekend.  Anybody 
> have any details?
> Thanks,
> Mike
> Series V
> Erie, PA

>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **


Ian Spencer <>
'61 Series II Alpine B9104704 LRX
'61 Harrington Alpine B9104782 OD HRO
'62 Harrington Le Mans BH9115930 OD LRX
'62 Harrington Le Mans BH9117497 OD LRX

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