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Re: [6pack] Wanted - dizzy/oil pump drive and a warning about new

To: "Foster, Stan" <stan.foster@hp.com>, 6 Pack <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [6pack] Wanted - dizzy/oil pump drive and a warning about new
From: "Ruffner, James A *HS" <JAR7U@hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu>
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 23:19:07 -0400
What kind of oil pump are you using?  All the pumps I've seen on the TRs are
outer cylinder with the inner "lobed" rotor piece that is driven by the
distributer/shaft/cam.  It is not going to be "jammed."  Anything big enough
to jam it will break the "tongue" on the shaft, or crack the whole body.  Not
likely.  I've seen them with a washer having been sucked into the intake (the
screen had dropped off the intake) and all it did was wear a groove on the end
of the rotor and outer cylinder.

Also, you mention aluminum, and a "vane" construction.  Are you using some
kind of after-market design?
From: 6pack-bounces+jar7u=hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu@autox.team.net
[6pack-bounces+jar7u=hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu@autox.team.net] On Behalf Of
Foster, Stan [stan.foster@hp.com]
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 9:49 PM
To: 6 Pack
Subject: [6pack] Wanted - dizzy/oil pump drive and a warning about new oil

I bet many of you knew this already but just in case anyone is tempted to do
what I did and take a new oil pump out of the box and bolt it to the engine -

Just over a week ago I finished the engine rebuild that I started in
One of the last parts I installed was a new oil pump which came from one of
the big two. Started up the engine, no oil pressure. To cut a long story
short, after a near total engine strip down we found that the oil pumped had
jammed with a TINY piece of aluminum. It got between the inner vanes and the
outer cylinder and because there is just a few thou clearance it was enough
jam the pump solid. We had to take a BFH to separate the pump parts. On
examination I found that the area of the casting that had been machined to
make an oval hole to create a channel in the pump body was left very rough
with several bits of aluminum hanging on by a thread. It was one of these
the pump apparently ate and then jammed. So the moral here is before
installing a new pump take it apart, carefully inspect it and remove any
material that is left over from the machining.

The collateral damage to the pump jamming is that my dizzy drive gear is
beyond repair :-( and I need a replacement. This part is NLS so if anyone has
a spare that they are willing to part with for suitable compensation I would
love to hear from you.



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