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Re: [6pack] Rear View Mirrors

To: "'Shawn J. Loseke'" <sloseke@holly.colostate.edu>, <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [6pack] Rear View Mirrors
From: "Robert Liam Gannon" <trsix74@comcast.net>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 17:59:20 -0500
Shawn writes: Not to be overly critical of your point, but I believe it was
"The Gumball 
Rally" and it was Raul Julia playing an Italian racing driver who stated
it was the first rule of Italian driving. The car that the rear view mirror 
was so eloquently discarded from was a Ferrari 365 GTB Spyder.

On with the other discussion now... Please?

You are absolutely right!
Oh my, has it been that long ago that I saw the movie at the TRF Summer
Party? I just remember there was 700 triumph viewers at the drive in after
the buffet dinner and beer. And then we saw a movie about a bunch of guys
running on the beach in what looked like their underwear! (Chariots of
Fire). I guess Charlie Runyon thought it was a car movie!

Robert L. Gannon

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