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[6pack] California wildfires

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: [6pack] California wildfires
From: "tidbinbilla" <tidbinbilla@cox.net>
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 13:46:29 -0700
I live in the hills just outside of Ramona.  From my patio I can see from 
Mt. Palomar in the north all the way to Julian in the West and points 
further south.  We could clearly see the Witch fire from the begining. 
(Ironically we had traveled through Santa Isyabel and the Old Julian Highway 
earlier on Sunday)  Unlike 2003, the fire swept past most of Ramona.  I 
don't believe the Country Estates received much damage this time.  (A fellow 
club member living in the Estates has a GT6 and Rolls Royce in his garage) 
Despite the orders to evacuate, I stayed behind.  We  packed up the truck 
with important items and we set to go if need be.  My TR6 was still loaded 
on my car trailer from my trip to Laughlin on Tuesday (At Triumphest, my 
metering unit developed a fuel leak and it was unsafe to drive) 
Fortunately, I never had to leave.  The fire moved on to Rancho Bernardo 
where it was devastating.  The destruction was spotty - one house burns, the 
next is OK.  No idea of any Triumph owners being in danger but did see one 
person push his restored 35 Ford into the street where it only sustained 
damage to one tire while the entire house was lost.

Glenn, glad to see you are OK.

Dave Stauffacher
Ramona, Ca
1970 RHD PI TR6

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