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RE: [6pack] Moss supercharging question

To: "Foster, Stan" <stan.foster@hp.com>, "Triumph 6 Pack"
Subject: RE: [6pack] Moss supercharging question
From: "Navarrette, Vance" <vance.navarrette@intel.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 17:42:17 -0700

        Moss has the instructions posted on line, and yes, you are
correct. They do indeed replace the damper with a simple pulley. The
damping function is deleted with the Moss kit.
        The crank damper is essential to long term durability of the
crank. The more power you make, the more important it becomes as each
power impulse from the motor becomes more violent as power climbs. The
damper reduces the peak torsional loads on the crank to prevent long
term fatigue and breakage.
        I would expect that the Moss kit shortened the useful life of
the crankshaft. How significantly, I doubt anyone can say. I also read
in one of my hot rod magazines that engines will make more power with
dampers installed, because the cam timing is not getting jerked around
by the oscillations of the crank.
        I suppose it is possible that with the supercharger and drive
belt installed that you get a damping action as the drive belt stretches
and relaxes from each power impulse, but honestly I doubt it. It seems
that the further away from the crankshaft you move the damper, the less
effective it will be as intervening linkages, belts, etc will absorb the
energy returned by the damper to the crank.
        No whether any of this is of any PRACTICAL significance I can't
say. If the crank life is shorted from, say, 200,000 miles to 125,000
miles would anybody care? But if it shortened from 150,000 miles to
50,000 then I suppose most people would be very upset.  I feel as though
it is an important detail the Moss team missed in the design. However,
there is nothing to keep someone from replacing the Moss pulley with a
compatible damper and pulley arrangement. My 1995 Z28 Camaro, for
example, had a damper that also was the pulley for the serpentine
accessory belt. So there must be something out there that would work.
Heck, I suppose that you could have your stock damper machined to
replace the Moss supplied pulley.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-6pack@Autox.Team.Net [mailto:owner-6pack@Autox.Team.Net] On
Behalf Of Foster, Stan
Sent: August 15, 2007 4:11 PM
To: Triumph 6 Pack
Subject: [6pack] Moss supercharging question


< Notes from SC session removed>

Am I correct that the Moss SC kit replaces the damped crankshaft pulley
with a
non damped pulley and if that is true, how do people feel about that ?.
recall they guy selling the billet crank pulleys on eBay  got an earful
at one
time due to the liability of eliminating the crank damping on the TR6


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