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[6pack] Re: [TR] Carpet Replacement TR6 - Any Tips?

To: "Scott Suhring" <suhringtr36@comcast.net>
Subject: [6pack] Re: [TR] Carpet Replacement TR6 - Any Tips?
From: "Marty Clark" <marty.tr6@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2007 20:00:34 -0700
I like this idea more than the duct tape. Anyone else use Velcro?


On 8/3/07, Scott Suhring <suhringtr36@comcast.net> wrote:
> Marty:
> Do not use glue.  For those areas that the snaps are not used, I bought
> some
> Velcro strips at the local craft shop that has the tape backing.  Cut to
> desired length and remove tape paper and stick to one side with the two
> halves connected.  That push other side to the surface that carpet will
> lay
> on and make sure you have the proper fit before pushing down on the
> Velcro.
> This works great and you can always remove the carpet if need be (like
> getting caught in a thunder storm with the top down!
> Scott Suhring
> Mechanicsburg, PA
> '70 TR6
> '59 TR3

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