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Re: Gunst bearing grease

To: jmitch@snet.net (John Mitchell)
Subject: Re: Gunst bearing grease
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 12:48:21 -0800
John---Given that the Gunst bearing should be on a bronze carrier, I
believe the "grease" to be more of an insurance. If the carrier is
properly pinned, it won't be spinning (like the bearing). This would
mean that any lube would be for the back and forth action, as when
making a gear selection. I would think that just about any medium grease
should work well.


John wrote:

        I'm changing transmissions and intend to reuse
my Gunst bearing as it only has about 400 miles on it. I don't have
anymore of the grease that came with it and the directions say to use a
grease without any solids. I have a shelf full of different greases but
I'm not sure what to use. I have some of the Prothane grease used for
bushings, which is clear and very sticky like the original grease.
Anyone have any suggestions. I really don't want to have to do this
again anytime soon. Thanks. John Mitchell 76 TR6

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