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Re: Sanity Check

To: mailkendall@sbcglobal.net, 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Sanity Check
From: acekraut11@aol.com
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 20:15:47 -0400
 Or, you can use the triumphowners.com site. List your car and the basics then 
you can always create a new category for whatever picture you want to share and 
stick it on there. I have had success with that method and it has the added 
benefit of being able to set everything up so your pictures tell a story or 
explain a procedure. Then others can benefit from your question/experience in 
the future.
    Aaron Cropley
 71 TR6 (Throttle Body Injection!)
 Topsham, Maine   
 -----Original Message-----
 From: mailkendall@sbcglobal.net
 To: 6pack@autox.team.net
 Sent: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 5:41 PM
 Subject: Re: Sanity Check
  Oops didn't edit my reply the first time.

Hi Jim,(others who might find this interesting)

Can't help you with the distributor. But can offer some advice on posting
images for the list to see. You can't email attachments directly through the
list.(There's a number of reasons why things are this way) If you want us all
to check out an image... I suggest using a free image hosting site like

http://www.imageshack.us  (no login required)

http://www.photobucket.com (login required, but keeps a decent photo album)

You can upload pictures, and then you will be able to paste a link that points
to that picture into your emails to the list. Like so...


It's really pretty quick and efficient once you've done it a couple of times.

Good luck,


Check out AOL.com today. Breaking news, video search, pictures, email and IM. 
All on demand. Always Free.

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