What are you setting your plug gaps to?
[Dave]I have tried 0.025", 0.030", and 0.035" - no discernible difference.
Which coil are you using? Have you tried a different coil?
[Dave] I have tried a standard coil, a Lucas Sport coil, and a Crane PS40
coil - no discernible difference.
I am thinking that the issue may be that the number one cylinder
is simply a tad more difficult to fire (leaner mixture, colder cylinder,
or whatever) and you are showing a marginal ignition that simply happens
to show up on the number one cylinder. There may be nothing wrong with
the number one cylinder, rather there is something wrong overall, and
number one is merely the first cylinder to show the symptoms.
What year is your car, and what type of coil are you running?
For instance, you might be running an unballasted coil in a year that
has a ballast wire, and so your coil is running at 6 volts rather than
12. Etc. Just some random thoughts...
[Dave] Car is 1973. See coil options utilized above. I believe this vehicle
has a ballast wire, Coil voltage drops from 12V to 8V when coil -ve terminal
grounded. I have not tried bypassing the ballast wire.