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RE: that cool looking shiny stuff

To: colinthom@shaw.ca, 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: that cool looking shiny stuff
From: "im sloane" <im_sloane@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 15:21:11 +0000
Hi Colin,
Previous owner put it on the hood of our 73. Not positive he got it from 
Moss, but he did get other parts from them. It looks pretty good. You can 
see the bottom of it on the triumphowners page, photo category "at first 
sight" pic "under the bonnet".  Not sure where the PO got the idea to paint 
the valve cover and breather gold, but they look pretty good too. After 
everything I've done to this car, that gold paint got the comments at "The 
Gathering" show here last month.

Sloane :)

>Hi Y'all. Does anyone have that shiney, foam-backed heat reflective stuff 
>on the underside of their hood? I see it advertised in MOSS, and it seems 
>it would do a good job of preserving the paint. But..it'd probably start to 
>fall off and leave a helluva mess. Comments? Thanks..Colin

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