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Re: TR6 prices

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: TR6 prices
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 12:49:30 -0700
John---There is a handy check off list on how to evaluate a Triumph, in
a back issue of the 6pack Newsletter. (Winter, 2004)?  By adding up the
features on this point system, one can come pretty close to its worth.
The year of manufacture of these cars becomes less important than
condition. If you live in a State where there are emission checks, then
you may want one that is exempt from this.

Value for all TRs are on the rise, finally. (Good if you already have
Dick Taylor
Los Angeles

From: haeg1@mninter.net(jhaeg)

I'm looking for updated information on TR6 values, preferably with a
breakdown based on conditions and years. The VTR web page has this
information, but I don't think their data has changed in 5-8 years. Any
John H. in Minneapolis

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