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LBC's in June Hemmings

To: 6 Pack list <6pack@autox.team.net>,
Subject: LBC's in June Hemmings
From: Joe Merone <jmerone@rocketmail.com>
Date: Sun, 7 May 2006 08:30:20 -0700 (PDT)
Dennis will be easy to spot.  He'll be the one with
the big head from all the attention he's getting by
appearing with his TR6 in the June edition of Hemmings
Sports and Exotic Car.  Way to go guy - the only
Triumph among 8 LBCs.

Joe Merone

>Date: Fri, 5 May 2006 14:06:49 -0400
>From: Dennis N Culligan <dncullig@us.ibm.com>
>Subject: Events this weekend - NJ/NY

>Anybody going to Britfest 2006 in Succasunna, NJ
>or Rhinebeck 2006 in Rhinebeck, NY on Sunday?  If so,
>me up.

>Dennis Culligan, Highland NY/ 1976 TR6 CF57948U - TR6IUMPH
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