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Carburetor adjustment

To: 6-pack listserve <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Carburetor adjustment
From: Rick Norris <rnorris1@swbell.net>
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 11:14:19 -0700 (PDT)
Assuming my new fuel tank sender arrives soon, I will
be getting that taken care of this weekend and will
need to turn my attention to the carburetors. 

The insides of the tail pipes of my '75 are heavy with
accumulated soot and the engine idles just a bit on
the rough side. I've not been able to get the idle
below about 1100rpm exept sometimes, on a hot start,
it idles very nicely at around 800 or 900 rpm. 

I have the little hex key tool that inserts into the
top of the carb but I am not real confident in what I
am doing there. I am also pretty sure that I have no
vacuum leaks since the vacuum servo was rebuilt a
couple of months ago. That solved a multitude of ills.

The engine otherwise runs great and very strong. There
is no emission control equipment left on the vehicle.
My understanding when I purchased the car six months
ago that the carbs had been rebuilt in the recent past
and I may have receipts to document that.

What should I do first, which carb to pay attention
to, screw to turn, how many turns, etc? 

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