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Advice on front brakes

To: triumphs@autox.team.net, 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Advice on front brakes
From: davgil@aol.com
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 08:23:06 -0400
Got the TR6 out for a drive yesterday and I noticed a scrubbing sound from the 
left front when I applied the brakes.  It would continue for a few seconds 
after I released the brakes.  It seemed a little more pronounced if I turned 
slightly as I was braking.  I took a look and the pads and rotor both looked 
good.  No indication on the rotor that there was anything unusual, no marks or 
gouges, and there was plenty of pad left.  Nothing seemed to be on the pads 
that would cause anything out of the ordinary.  I was by myself so I couldn't 
apply the brakes while I was spinning the front tire.  I am somewhat of a 
novice at brake systems, but the system seems pretty straightforward.  Is there 
something other than a brake issue that I should investigate?  On another note, 
is there any risk to the integrity of the frame and tub if I have the car on 
jackstands with the drivers (LHD) door open and someone sitting in the vehicle? 
  I seem to recall seeing that having the doors closed wh!
 en the vehicle is supported on stands is important, but I don't see a lot of 
difference in that and having it supported by the tires and suspension.  As 
always, thanks for the advice given to those of who need it.
David Gill
1976 TR6

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