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Rookie Doing TR6 Rear Trailing Arm Bushings and Springs -

To: Triumph Email List <Triumphs@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Rookie Doing TR6 Rear Trailing Arm Bushings and Springs -
From: Marty Clark <marty.tr6@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 12:20:49 -0700
OK, the wife and her sister are back in WI visiting their parents so I've
got an extended weekend that all I've got to do is put Xmas lights and the
rest of the time attempt the rear trailing arm bushings and rear springs
before they get back Sat night. I decided to spay everything with Kroil
before starting the lights today. After spaying everything I though would
need it I ended up start the disassembling of one side of the rear
suspension before starting the lights. I thought maybe I would do the spring
first because it looked easier in the repair book that the bushing. Well
turns out the drive shaft lowers onto something (did I mention I don't know
what I'm doing?) before the spring is clear to remove. Switch to plan B, do
both at same time. After swearing that that stupid emergency brake mount has
to welded in place I finally got it lose. Then the brake drum won't come
off, almost resorted to hammer but resisted, finally pried it loose. Got to
the step about removing 4 bolts on the drive shaft and got them lose but all
they do is spin. Finally decided to look closer at the instructions in the
book only to discover there are nuts on the other end of the bolts hidden by
the flange. Just Kroiled them and figured I'd better start on the lights. So
I doing lights for next couple of hours, before attacking the 4 bolts to
remove the drive shaft.

Stupid me I thought the drive shaft ran from the transmission to the rear
axle but then I thought a bonnet was something women use to wear on their

Anyway I thought I should have made a video so people could chuckle
about someone without a clue doing this from a book and notes from my local
Triumph club members (who actually know what they are doing). They were
foolish enough to give me their phone number in case I get into too much

Marty Clark
Gilbert, AZ
1974 TR6 CF17352U

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