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Little off subject Land Rovers - similar problems though!!

To: Trouble Triumph <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Little off subject Land Rovers - similar problems though!!
From: Ed Quinn <edthefanman@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2005 14:15:40 -0800 (PST)
Hi all,
Have not been around much lately, as the TR has no
tranny still.  Thats my fault...but took the $ I
should have put in the tranny and bought a Land Rover.
 Why not I say!!  Anyway, my question is....is there a
forum such as this one that I can subscribe to for
Land Rovers?  This one is by far the best forum for
any car that I know of....with knowledgeable responses
all the time.  I have found one or two websites with
forums, but none of this caliber, and they are usually
trying to sell parts or other crap.
Any help would be appreciated, as this LR needs as
much "loving" as the TR

72 TR6 - needs trans
93 Acura Legend - needs front clip
94 Land Rover Discovery - needs head gasket
94 Buick Something - needs another home!
02 Suzuki Intruder 1500 - runs like a top - maybe its
because its Japanese!! 

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