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Triple carb update...

To: 6pack <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Triple carb update...
From: "Shawn J. Loseke" <sloseke@holly.colostate.edu>
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2005 18:14:09 -0600
Okay 6-packers, If your reading this I'm sure you've been waiting patiently to 
hear when I've healed enough to get back in my 6 and see if the needles made a 
difference for the altitude troubles that I was having.

If your new to this or have forgotten, let me give a quick re-cap. I'm running 
the Goodparts tri-carb set up on a mildly warmed up engine with a GP-3 cam and 
1.55 roller rockers, stainless header and twin sports exhaust system. I live 
at 5,000 feet and only go higher to play in the mountains and canyons around 
here. If any of you made it to Breckenridge in 2001 for the VTR National, I'm 
partially to blame (I was one of many on the organizing committee) for your 
trip to 9,000 feet. With three carbs running the stock B1AF needles, at this 
altitude, I was having constant over rich running problems that only worsened 
with an increase in altitude.

With Joe Curto's help (he suggested and supplied three B1CE needles from a 
Jaguar V-12 E-Type/Automatic) The problem appears to be solved. I say appears 
because I haven't been to a rolling road yet to check the mixture through the 
entire rpm range. Nor have I installed my own air fuel ratio meter...yet. 
However; I was able to get out in the 6 this afternoon for about an hour, 
before my body began to protest, and give it a good test. I took the car to 
one of my favorite roads in the area. It runs along the ridge and dams of the 
local resevoir. So it has lots of turns and elevation changes, some of which 
are quite steep. The car ran great! no hesitation or loading up from too much 
fuel. What a nice change. Oh and the plugs were a nice tan color.

 My only complaint was that the car seemed sluggish. It wasn't, it just seemed 
that way. You see, up until the accident two months ago that I am still 
recovering from, I would go from driving my Bronco II to my TR6. Well, for the 
last two months I've been driving one of my step-dads Porsche's. An early 
model 928 with a measley 300 horsepower. So you might understand why my TR6 
felt sluggish. Another odd sensation that I felt was height. My TR6 sits a 
full inch and a half lower than a stock TR6 and I still sat up higher than I 
do in the 928, or at least it felt like it.

So my TR6 is back on the road. It appears that I can drive for short bursts 
(about an hour) for now so I am happy. So far so good. Still can't wait to see 
another dyno run with it to track that mixture.  Keep your dirty sides down.

Shawn J. Loseke
Fort Collins, CO

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