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Brake Bleeding Solved

To: 6pack@autox.team.net, Triumphs-autox.team.net@autox.team.net
Subject: Brake Bleeding Solved
From: Bill & Skip Pugh <anabil@caltel.com>
Date: Sat, 14 May 2005 12:35:07 -0700
Hi Listers,
        We have  been trouble with bleeding  the  brakes on Rosey
(1970 TR6),  following  all  the  "correct"  procedures ...  several
times ... and using new  DOT 5 we were  never able  to get them
right, were always  left with  spongy  brakes  that  worked  "some of
the time"
        I was looking  through the Eastwood  Catalog and  found  the
Phoenix V12  brake  bleeder ... well  it  will  bleed them  the  old
way BUT it  also will  pump fluif  FROM the brake TO  the  master
cylinder  ... yup it  will cause it to overflow if you are not
careful.  Anyway with the  help if  my good assistant (AnnaBelle) I
carefully followed the instructions and  pumped new  DOT  5 from
each of the brakes,  AnnaBelle had  old towels around and below  the
master  cylinder and would  call  out  "bubbles" ... until  just
more  fluif  came out of the  master  cylinder ... there were  a  LOT
of  "bubbles".  The whole  procedure took  about  an hour which
included of course  jacking up and  removing  each  wheel, we  did it
one at  at  a  time.
        The  result  was a  firm pedal,  and brakes  that  work
every time (this is  a good thing).  The  Phoenix V12 is  a  little
pricey ... $80.00 but it WORKS ...
Bill  Pugh
1957 TR3 TS16765L
1971 TR6 CC59179L
Wallace, CA

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