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74.5 TR6 frame for sale

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: 74.5 TR6 frame for sale
From: "Mike D'Ambrogia" <miked@jamagination.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2005 18:39:50 -0700
Finally got the old frame out from under the tub via engine hoist and
acouple of tie down straps.  worked great.  So now I have a frame for
sale, looks to have some issues, I'd say minor but I have abunch of
pictures so that you can make your own mind up, in the passenger front
and perhaps in the steering rack.  I'd like to get $300 for the bare
frame but its got some stuff (trailing arms, front suspension, rims and
tires, etc) that I'd be open to including or at least having a
conversation about.  Located in 95370, love to see it go to a good home.
Its been a California car its whole life so there is little or no rust,
and of course its been well oiled down the middle as part of the ongoing
Truimph rust prevention program....  Car was originally an OD car, not
sure if that has impact on the frame.  Pics available for the asking

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