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someone please help me!!!!!

To: "6 Pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: someone please help me!!!!!
From: "oliver" <sumton@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 21:20:27 -0600
in the last several weeks, i have been resolving a problem that has been
nagging me for almost a year.  the generator bracket kept breaking.  people
kept saying "yeah, that happens occasionally, just get another one."

well, i've been through several, had them welded, and they broke again.
after pulling the generator, and the mount which bolts to the engine, i
found lots of holes that had "ovaled" out.  after much drilling, finding
bolts with the right shoulder, cutting them off to get the right bolt, and
getting the right spacers in there, i'm finally back on track, except for
one small thing.  the bracket.

mine are horribly broken behond repair.

of course, now i can't drive the car and that is making me nuts!  i've got
one on order, but it will be over a week until it gets here.

would anyone be willing to lend or sell me one?  just so i can drive my car
and get my lbc fix??????

thank you thank you!!!!!

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