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Re: alternator amperage?

To: "Paul Dorsey" <dorpaul@negia.net>, <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: alternator amperage?
From: "Kai M. Radicke" <kradicke@wishboneclassics.com>
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 15:20:25 -0500
> How many amps does this unit put out?This unit fits the
> following applications.
> (1975-72) Austin Marina 1.8L
> (1972) Mercury Capri 1.6L
> (1974-72) MG MGB 1.8L
> (1979-72) MG Midget 1.3L, 1.5L
> (1980-73) Triumph Spitfire 1.5L
> (1972-71) Triumph TR6 2.5L
> (1981-78) Triumph TR8 3.5L
> Ford Tractor Equipment

I think someone was a little liberal in describing the models of cars that
that particular alternator fits.  I am 99% sure that the MGB's alternator
mounting tabs are oriented at a different point on the circumfrence of the
alternator, and that the body of the alternator then interferes with the
engine block (at least on TR6s).  I guarantee you the TR8 is a mistake, the
TR7/8s used pretty high amperage alternators (40-61amps).

That said, the basic guts and current outputs are the same for the models
described ('cept TR8).  You are probably looking at 32amps at an alternator
speed of 4500RPM.  The alternator / starter company that rebuilds items for
me, includes a nice sheet of the current output at various alternator
speeds.  For instance on a 43amp TR6 unit (18ACR, 74-76), the output is only
19amps at 2000RPM... with the 43amps coming at just over 4500RPM.

Just something to bear in mind if you plan on going with an electric cooling
fan, which usually kicks on at idle when alternators are putting out the
least power.  For a generic 12-14 fan you're looking at 8-10amps.  Some of
the larger, 16" fans that are about 3" deep suck 20amps.


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