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We're here to stay, lets give a warm welcome to my newly

To: "6pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: We're here to stay, lets give a warm welcome to my newly
From: "siberian" <siberian@siberian.org>
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 21:33:29 -0800
After almost a year of looking I finally found what I think
is a great TR6 and it was local!

Here's the story of the purchase


Basically it appears to be mostly rust free and in great
shape but I am really interested in the list opinions. The
link above has a link to a ton of photos.

Thanks to everyone on this list who have helped, given
advice and shared their experiences, its really been a great
help to me.

The adventure begins. I'm sure there are some nasty suprises
ahead but so far I am really impressed with how clean this
car is.


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