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Re: Donuts....

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Donuts....
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2005 12:34:03 -0800
Dennis---I am one who has run with the "Fix-a-Flat" crowd for over 20
years. (Replacing the can about every five years, to keep a fresh one)
My car has been used to cover long distances and time spans, where
carrying maximum luggage for two was necessary. 
I have never had to use this aerosol, but recently had a 12V small,
portable compressor given to me. I added this and a tire repair kit
(rubber bands, glue, probe, etc.) to my carry-on tool box to add
confidence, should the law of probability catch up with me.
So far, so good. I also like losing this tire weight
for daily driving.

Carpeting the entire bottom of the trunk and side shelves gives the area
a nice finished look.


Dennis wrote:
Hi again. 
At this stage of my hobby, I'm more interested in having more storage
space in my trunk than authenticity. Does anyone know of a "donut size"
spare that will fit my 1975 TR6? 
Thanks in advance.
(weekend driver) 

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