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Re: Leg & hip room in TR6

To: <genehart@att.net>
Subject: Re: Leg & hip room in TR6
From: "jonmac" <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 08:52:20 -0000
Gene Hart wrote:
Makes you wonder, when the TR6's (95,000) were bought originally, and they
(the new owners) took it for a test drive, were all those people under 5' 7"
and not very wide? I mean these cars were sold in the USA, not Japan.

Gene, the majority of sales were made because the car itself was so
different from other run-of-the-mill products available at the time. Sales
were made largely on oddity value than comfort. It's also prudent to
remember that cockpit space in the TR6 is a carryover from the TR4 because
the body understructure is basically the same. Equally, when the TR4 first
appeared, the majority of US dealers didn't want it because it was such a
radical departure from the sidescreen TR's. Hence the TR3B for North America
only for a while. But the TR4 was largely dimensioned on its predecessor and
space in a sidescreener is best described as *intimate* and there's also a
raft of difference in comfort levels between left and right hand steer
TR6's. I probably drove more left than right versions and always found the
driving position in the left hand variant to be almost agonising and this
was largely due to the position of the pedals. In the right hand version,
the driver's legs were far more straight and a lot more comfortable. The TR
does not compare favourably in terms of cockpit comfort and general space
with the MGB on a car size for size basis and IMHO there was more room (and
comfort) in a Spitfire with either steering layout than any TR yet made.
Finally, the European motor industry has come a long way in the last forty
plus years in general ergonomics and its unreasonable to compare any TR with
a more modern car in this regard.


"I have only once followed a rigid, cholesterol-free diet and it was the
most ghastly afternoon I can ever remember"       Denis Norden

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