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RE: Accelerator Bushing Question

To: "Kronberg, Peter" <peter.kronberg@hp.com>
Subject: RE: Accelerator Bushing Question
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 11:31:03 -0500 (EST)
On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, Kronberg, Peter wrote:

> Does this mean that Nelson's stuff is back up on Buckeye?? Why this and
> not the other stuff??
> Still bemoaning the loss of a great tech info resource,

I need to chime in on this comment...

I'm not defending anyone's action, I'm not trying to offend anyone, but I
need to point out a few things.

Like pretty much everyone on this list, I feel that sites like the Buckeye
Triumphs web site are very good resources. Very good indeed. And there are
lots of them out there.

The nature of the Web is that it is amorphous. There are lots of reasons
for that (like ISP's and services that crash and burn). We all know about
"internet time" and how fast that bubble burst.

What I find a tad disturbing is that even though we all know that this
stuff is fleeting, that somehow we get lulled into complacency and assume
that these services will always be available... but as we should know,
this is a false sense of security.

Bear in mind that I'm not talking about just one web site. I'm looking
more to the "state of things".

My major point here is that if you really do miss a web site or you think
that it's too bad that your favorite Triumph organization (or Hummer's
Owner group or whatever) doesn't give you the content that you want then

Over the last 20 years or so, I've been involved in all sorts of persuits
that rely heavily on "content". For example, I was a newsletter editor for
the local Triumph club for 9 years. During that tenure, I was pretty
desperate every month for material. But I managed to collect, coerce,
and create enough stuff to make the thing happen every time. If I had a
dollar for every time a member dropped some comment about the material in
the newsletter, I'd be filthy rich, and we're talking about a local club
wit around 200 members. And we're not talking all "positive comments"
either - intentional or not.

Where do YOU come in? I have one word PARTICIPATE. Pining for web site
content? Write an article or send in some pictures to the webmaster. Can't
write? Tough cookies... a good editor can take gobbly gook and turn it
into something entertaining. Same holds true for the national
organizations like Six Pack and VTR etc. But nothing happens unless YOU
start the ball rolling.

So, everyone out there - let's take the passing of Nelson's "content" and
bring it to the next step. OKAY??? And then send it to Mike Brinker or
Mike Cook or whoever...
> Pete
> CF51563U

Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
Consultant            MIT unix-linux-help      |
Voice:617-253-7438    FAX: 617-258-9535        |

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