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Re: Continental Touring Kit (was: Attention striped hoses on

To: Six Pack <6pack@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Continental Touring Kit (was: Attention striped hoses on
From: Ted Stevens <trstevens@earthlink.net>
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 17:21:17 -0400
At 05:07 PM 10/30/2004, Todd Bermudez wrote:
>[snip] An original Stanpart
>emergency kit offered for sale on e-bay(UK).  [snip]

A few years back someone on the triumphs list (jonmac?) posted a list of 
the contents of the Continental Touring Kit, dimensions of the box, and a 
link to a facsimile of the label.  I've searched and searched, but can't 
find it.  Anybody know where I could find it?

Ted Stevens     trstevens@earthlink.net
'74 TR6 (mallard)
Gaithersburg, MD 

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