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Gunst Clutch Throwout Bearings

To: 6pack@Autox.Team.Net, William.Couzelis@CNA.com
Subject: Gunst Clutch Throwout Bearings
From: Todd Bermudez <red_tr250@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 04:53:34 -0700 (PDT)

I already installed my Gunst bearing.  Not part of the
TRF kit, but I believe it comes with the exact same
stuff.  You may have to drill a piece of metal that
comes with the kit in order to get the correct
distance/resistance for proper TO bearing preload.  Or
you can do what I did & not do the preload.  I always
enjoy entertaining people with the Crickets!  You'll
see what I mean when you get the kit.

BTW, I have the B&B clutch.  

Todd Bermudez
>      Subject: Gunst Clutch Throwout Bearings
>      Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 08:39:52 -0500
>      From: "Couzelis,William M."
> <William.Couzelis@CNA.com>
> Hi All,
> I ordered a Magic Clutch assembly from TRF.  It
> comes with the high-tech
> Gunst throwout bearing that needs to be installed
> with a special spring
> and bracket to maintain pressure on the pressure
> plate.  I haven't
> received the kit yet but I am a little concerned
> about the installation.
> Has anyone done this before?  Any drilling or other
> modifications
> required that I need to be concerned about?  Thanks
> for any help.
> Bill Couzelis
> '71 TR-6
> ------- End of forwarded message -------
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