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Re: Differential Breather

To: "Hugh Barber" <tr6nut@sbcglobal.net>, "'Jim Jones'"
Subject: Re: Differential Breather
From: "jonmac" <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 18:54:03 +0100
Hugh Barber wrote:
If you ensure that the pin moves freely in the breathing hole, you'll be OK
Don't know if I'm comfortable calling it a "jiggle" pin.  Sounds like
something I would see on "The Man Show"  :^)

Aha - does one assume that the verb to jiggle has variances in interpretation
between American English and English English? A factory term - take or leave
it as you are inclined. Come to think of it, much along the lines of Spotted
Dick, that was enjoyed twice a week in all factory canteens :) It's better
with custard than without....


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