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Power Loss Problem Update

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Power Loss Problem Update
From: Carsickguy@aol.com
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 2004 00:36:30 -0400
    Thanks for all of the advice (both on and off the list).  For some reason I 
never received the Digest Vol 01: Number 1382 that had many of your replies, 
but I looked them up in the archives!  Thanks again for a GREAT service!
    Still haven't gotten it all sorted out, but did find some interesting 
stuff...  Tore carbs apart and found problem with float level caused by 
aluminum washer (approx 2mm thick?) installed under Grose Jet.  Haynes manual 
talks of washer under standard jet, but based on carb body to float height 
measurements of 23-24mm versus recommended 16-17mm, I'm guessing installation 
of GJs by previous owner of these carbs (not my originals, but that's another 
story...) should not have included the aluminum washers...  Can someone confirm 
this?  Also, are the small screen fuel valve filters critical to operation?  
Don't see them impeding flow significantly, but can I run without them?  Low 
float height would seem to answer why I'm running out of fuel.  Hope to drive 
the TR tomorrow and see if removing washers helped.
    To clarify, the fuel system on the car has no filter before the pump 
(sounds like a good addition though), the regulator is of the flat 
chrome-plated variety and I set it not by the indicated number on the dial, but 
by measured pressure at the carbs.  Glass fuel filter (soon to be replaced) is 
the after the regulator and just before the fuel line split to the carbs.  All 
this was done by previous owner(s) and I put over 2000 miles on it with this 
setup and had no problems.  All I had done recently was swap on a different set 
of carbs because of a needle issue with one of the originals (which also had 
GJs and NO washers under them...).
    Maybe I should have bolted on that set of triple DCOE Webers afterall...  
For now I'm sticking with the ZSs, but the Webers are on the shelf...  Any 
thoughts on Webers for the street-driven TR?  Thanks again for all of the help. 
 I'll let you know how the test drive turns out.

Stu Ehrhardt, Davisburg, MI
'76 Mimosa/Chestnut with TR4 A-type O/D

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