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Re: oil everywhere

To: Lizirbydavis@cs.com, 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: oil everywhere
From: Glenn Rattmann <k6na@cts.com>
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 14:03:25 -0700
At 02:48 PM 9/2/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>It turns out that the nylon oil pressure gauge line somehow got caught up
in the rubber steering joint, breaking the line.

I had an original one fail from fatigue, age, or whatever.

>Is it possible to get at the rear of the oil gauge without taking the dash
apart.  I maybe able to reach it through the ash tray opening.

FWIW, I couldn't do it that way.  I unscrewed the wooden dash and pulled it
out carefully as far as I could, to get at the back of the gauge.  Can't
remember if I had to take out the speedo and tach in order to do that.

One annoying aspect of doing the repair was that the new line as sent from
Moss CA was way too long for the TR6 application, so I have a bunch coiled
up near the wiper motor.  Due to the special fittings you can't shorten it
with normal tools.  I surmised they had a generic replacement length which
would fit several cars and didn't want to stock the "right length" for the
6.  If anyone has purchased one of the right length recently, I'd like to

Good luck,

Glenn/San Diego

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