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RE: Valve Cover Issue: Please take it off-list- NOT!

To: pgedelstein@capitaltriumphregister.com,
Subject: RE: Valve Cover Issue: Please take it off-list- NOT!
From: Bob Greene <rgreene@whoi.edu>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 13:25:21 -0400
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 11:53:54 -0400
From: "Paul G. Edelstein" <pgedelstein@capitaltriumphregister.com>
Subject: RE: Valve Cover Issue: Please take it off-list

Hi Paul:
        Well said! We need to know all we can about vendors, as you said "Good, 
Bad & Ugly". I for one did not order anything from Jim because of the subject 
matter read on this list. Too bad though, as both his products looked amazing.
        Sorry it happened this way, but glad I learned before extending any 
        Hope you all get your $$. I know you all would have gladly accepted the 
rocker cover instead.
Bob Greene
76 TR6 & 79 Spitfire
member Cape Cod British Car Club

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