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Carb Jet question

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>, <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Subject: Carb Jet question
From: "Adam C Beasley" <adam@adambeasley.com>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 20:11:22 -0400


I have a question regarding my jet on my carbs.  I decided to replace my
needles and the jets (the cylinder the needle goes into. if it's not called
a jet). and have a question.  I ruined one jet before I realized what I was
doing. making it shorter. so I got smarter and used a socket as a sleeve to
pound it in. which may not have been much smarter. guess I'll find out soon


Anyway, my question is, how far does the jet get pushed in?  A diagram I
found has the jet sleeve flush with the top of the bridge (diagram on
http://www.buckeyetriumphs.org/technical/Carbs/CarbsI/CarbsI.htm) . is this
the correct fitting?  The main reason I'm undertaking this in the first
place is to solve a rich running problem where I can't lean the mixture. and
I noticed on both my carbs the jets are sunk in about 1 mm (guessing). and I
figured this would allow fuel to always enter the carbs no matter what I do
with the needle adjustment. am I correct or way off?


It's been a few weeks since I have been able to work on my car due to work,
but I'm at it again and will hopefully be able to drive it soon!!!!


Thanks again everyone for your help!



73 TR6

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