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Trash in the master cylinder

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Trash in the master cylinder
From: Lizirbydavis@cs.com
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 21:02:53 EDT
I rebuilt my entire brake system this spring (except for the booster).  I 
bought a new master cylinder, new wheel cylinders, and filled the system with 
silicone fluid...the pink stuff.  The car has been stopping great...until 
The pedal became very firm, and the car drifts to the right.  When I start 
the car, the brake pedal doesn't  "soften" as it should when boosted.   
Apparently the booster has given up the ghost.  I also noted that there are 
lots of 
flecks of black stuff in both chambers of the master cylinder.  I started the 
car again this eve.  and the pedal feel is normal again and the car stops 
straight.  Any ideas about the intermittent nature of this problem?  And, what 
the black stuff? 
Joe Davis

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